Did I really say this blog will be weekly? I´m really trying but then a week goes by so fast, not many exiting things happen and I simply just foregt and am to lazy.
So let´s see what happened. I already had two badminton tournaments. One in Valleyview and one in Beaverlodge. When we went to the Valleyview one it was kind of cool, because I´ve been there before with basketball and already knew the school . A badminton tournament works , that they have different games and categories and then you get gamenumbers. So for example you will play game 23, 41 and 57. And then it depends on if you win or not, you will have more games. Because I´m not that good in badminton I didn´t win and had to wait about 4hours doing nothing exiting. Then eventually some of us invented a game where we had to throw pennies in a empty pop can from the stairs. That was pretty fun. On our way back we stopped at Tim Hortons (Timmies) and I bought buns and tim bits (it´s like mini cake balls. They are really really good). When I came home, I decided to make Schnitzel (german dish) for potluck on church one day later. While I was doing it, my hostdad later joined me. And because he is Austrian we were listening to Folks music later. To be honest. I never thought this woukd ever happen under my free will xD. The people at church all really liked the Schnitzel :D For our second badminton tournament we left on Friday to sleep in a hotel in GP (which is half an hour away from Beaverlodge). We ate in a steak house for dinner and so I ended up buying 17 Dollar pasta instead of buying something cheaper. Well at least it tasted good :D In the evening we went to the swimming pool from the hotel and I still have a plugged ear -.- (and it really sucks to be half deaf). The tournament didn´t went to bad, even if I haven´t had my usully racket. In the last game I played I even missed the easiest hits which was kind of awkward, but then funny too xD After the tournament we went to Tim Hortons again and I got a Swiss and ham sandwich, A fruit smoothie and tim bits., I guess this is my standard order there now.
School is going good too I guess.In English class we are reading Lord of the flies right now. Itself it´s not bad , but our teacher is reading it out loud (and I really don´t like that) and most of my english class people are not the brightest ones. In IA my night stand is nearly done. We just glued everything together and I really hope I´ll get it done one week after spring break. In cemistry we were doing some experiments and I´m also nearly done with my psychology course so than I can do something else :D
In church I joined the worship team now twice already , what means I sang aka played the guitar and drums some songs at the beginning of church with some other people and it was really fun.
Yesterday my hostfamily and me have been invited for dinner (my hostmums friend. And she is the "canadian grandma") .So she made a big easter dinner with turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and stuff and then for desert she made carrot cake and something else. It was really good so I ate lots xD There were also some of her grand kids (from the canadian grandma) and so we playedon hay bales and then nearly before it got dark we went to a waterfall.
We also went to GP one day and I got a graduation dress ( because I can take part in the graduation here what is really cool), a snowboard bag for just 30 $ (what is good too, because to bolster my snowboard I just put all my heavy clothes in there and then I won´t have a problem with the weight of the luggage anymore) . I also bought me shorts and I´m still looking for new gym and summer shoes (my gym shoes got wrecked xD)
At last but not least I will talk a bit about Easter here.
It´s actually less spectacular then in Germany , even if I thought it would be other way around. Of course I went to church on Friday and Sunday , but without me there wouldn´t be any painted eggs and hidden easter bunnies at all I guess :/
Well I think that´s the most important stuff. I hope now you are happy because you are up to date ;)
this are our painted easter eggs. expet for one that my mum sent to me. Guess which one it is xD
my canadina easter egg. Before I made this, I just remembered that I did one like this last year and then I wanted to do one this year again and then I just realized how fast time goes by.
another beautiful sunset. And believe me or not. It´looks million times better in real life and I´m always dissapointed, when my camera can´t show it that good.
playing on hay bales
A typical canadian holiday dinner ^.^
they really sell this for 5$ (and it´s the same like german schoko bonbons)
this are the legs for my night stand. They feel so soft ^.^

this is how the school looked like in beaverlodge. Isn´t that cool ?