Montag, 20. Oktober 2014

Food,Nature and cute Baby pigs

I'm really sorry that I didn't wrote the weekend but I not really used my phone this weekend and I was nearly the whole time outside. I think that's good because in Germany and anywhere else kids just sit infront of the TV but here they are still outside. On Saturday my hostdad bought some caves (I don't know if I wrote it right but this are male cows) and now they are "muhing" the whole time!  And my the way the name of my cave is now official Hans Jürgen Black (even if I think to give him another colour as name). Ww were also with the pigs and they ate still soooo cute ^.^ and slowly you can also touch them and they come to you. Feom pigs to food (by the way we gave some pigs names: Bacon, Jack Sparrow,  Harry Plopper, Spiderpig, Homer, Wilbur,  Schnitzel)
On the weekend I made Thüringer Bratwurst and  Poutine (thats Potatoslices, Gravy and lots of cheese) and tried to make Pudding but it burned so we couldn't eat it. I also made Buns (my friend is in food class and sometimes she gives me something what is really good.  And I liked the buns so she gave me the recipes) And my hostbrother made a Frappuchino or something like that and it's actually pretty good.  So I start liking Coffee but just kind of. (so how you can see the weekend was full of food ;))
Well and now it's Monday again and I enjoy the beautiful sunrise :)
Have a sunny Monday
PS: my hostsister and me made the laundry and she forget her clothes then I asked her "where would you be without me ... Not in the basement!! (there is the washing mashine)  I found that really funny.
PPS: Song /Album of the last week: Ed sheeran - X (I listen to this nearly every day in the bus. )
PPPS: i forgot to say, that I had picture day on friday.  But this was somehow so stupid.  The women took two pictures of me and I couldn't even see them.  So Let's see how I will look like...

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