Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2015

Holy moly! Two days left in High Prairie

This will be probably one of my last updates from High Prairie, because I'm leaving here in 2 days and I really can't believe it.  I'm not very sure what I all mentioned in my older post but I just hope, that I won't repeat myself.   So now my school and all classes are done.  I finished Dobby and made a woodspirit with carving.  In IA I made 2 picknicktables and a couple more wands and in CTS I made more pillowcases. My last schoolday wasn't even that weird. And to be honest, I was glad that I didn't have to see some kids from school again.  Lots of people signed my flag already and I honestly never thought that I would get the whole flag full of people's wishes :)
On the first June weekend I had Achievement from 4H which means that I sold my steer.  It was a pretty good day and I learned a lot.  (and it was hot because we had to wear black pants and a long shirt)  I was also very happy, that my steer behaved and everything :) On the second June weekend there was a camp out with my church.  Even though it was raining we camped, but luckily my friend an me could sleep in a camper.  It was a great weekend full of campfire songs, food (lots of it) and my first time capture the flag. I tried the first time smores and ate just sooo much xD we also played mafia, which is a really fun game.   On this Sunday there was also a concert from ed sheeran in Edmonton and I had the perfect plan worked out but then my friend couldn't go,which ment that I couldn't go :/ i just hope that I can see him another time.
On my third weekend I stayed at my friends house and I also went to the pig roast from our neighbours.  And this  weekend, i was supposed to go back to Germany (I got my stay extended by two weeks, one week high prairie, one week Vancouver)  but I didn't so I went to a mud bog and derby. Even if I didn't participated in a truck stuff, I sang Oh Canada and  ran threw the mud myself and it was so much fun!  I stayed over night there and on Sunday I went to my last church service.  Again it is weird to know that it's the last time.  I will miss all the people from church, because they were really nice :) They also made a potluck for me so I can have that one more time ^.^ after that we went back to the mud bog and we could run again threw the mud ^.^ I think I can say that this was probably one of the best weekends that I had in Canada and I'm so glad, that I didn't missed out on that.
 My friend and me covered in mud

 Car demolishing

 My Canada flag signed by lots of friends :)

 This is the picknicktable I made

 the mud pit

Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2015

Old update, because I don't have 45 days left XD

Hey guys. First of all, this is my old update andsecond of all because my grad post was pretty long, I decided to put the rest in a extra one.  Let's start with the fact, that there are 45 days left.  45! It's ridiculous how fast time goes by.  I mean one part of me wants to go home but it's still unbelievable that my year is nearly over.   There are 3 1/2 weeks of school left and I still need to get stuff done.  In IA I am working on a picknick table right now.  Thr cool thing is, if I got that done I will make another one and get 50$ for that :D (even if it took me 3 days to just get the legs done, but now I'm advanced).  I also have to make 3 wands still.  I really hope there is enought time to get all of that done. In Art I'm still working on Dobby.  He takes longer than I thought, but after sanding him and stuff I finally paint him right now.  I can't wait how he will be looking when he is done.  :D Im CTS I also finished my awesome Harry Potter Pillow.  It looks great in my opinion and will always remind me of Canada.
At our school we have a track team.  After my math teacher convinced me to join, we had a Track meet last Tuesday.  The problem.  Till the Thurday before that, I was a lazy potato and did nothing. So I started running Thursday and was to sore to do anything on Friday.  Instead we had Youthgroup that day and it was so much fun.  We played Mafia and then the narrator made up stories how we got killed and who it was and stuff.  It was very funny too :D On the weekend I practiced running again and felt good for the race.  I  made first place in 1500m and 800m even if I was the only girl in my category but that didn't really matter.  Now I have two cool medals.  I did Javelin too and got third, even though I just had one day to practice.  So now we are going to another track meet this weekend.  I don't really feel prepared, but at least there is a Tim Hortons in GP ;) Talking about sports.  Football started last week as well.  It was fun.  I am one out of two girls, but that's not to bad.  Sadly we are running lots in practice and I was really glad at the first practice, that I did running before that because otherwise I would've been dead after practice.  I'm looking forward to the next practices and hopefully a game too.
This weekend it was really hope.  Some people might think it doesn't get hot in Canada.  It actually does and it's even hotter than in Germany right now (Take that Germany ;) Because of that we decided to go to a near by river.  Because there was not enough room on the quadd I decided to take the bike.  On Sunday we went to church like every Sunday.  I finally didn't forget to bring a strawberry basket I had as a Funraiser.  On this Sunday there was a new candidate pastor speaking (our church has none right now)  The best thing about that is, that there was Potluck after that (everyone brings me awesome food.  Exept for the one time and all the women were at a womens retreat and no one really cooked anything really delicous)  Anyway.  Next week the potluck theme (there is potluck to every last Sunday of the month)  is represent your country so I really think about what I could make.
After church I got invited by a friend to go to the river again.  So my neighbour and me went there with bikes and it was a really nice afternoon and we even went into the water.
On Thursday we went to the movie theatre to watch pitch perfect 2. This movie was so hilarious and probably one of the funniest ones I've ever seen.
There is one last thing that I remember.  Two weeks ago we went to something that was called PARTY program which stands for Preventing Alcohol and something while Driving (I'm sorry I really forgot what it stands for)  anyway.  First they were talking about impacted driving and then they showed us a real life situation. We went outside and there was a crashed car and they even put make up on the victims.  Then the police, ambulance, firefighters qnd electrician guys came and we could see what they do if q crash like that happened.  It was very interesting.  Then we could ask them questions and we got free lunch  (Pizza) .  In the afternoon two people were talking to us who were victims.  The first womens dad died because of a drunk driver and the second person, caused the accident himself.  They told us their story amd especially the first one was pretty sad and made me so mad about the drunk driver how he just destroyed another ones life.  After that we had some stations where they showed us what happened after we are injured and how they care for us.  I got to sit in a wheel chair and drank thickened water (it's gross).  The best was, that there was a women. She wore a necklace for a key and it had Gryffindor colours and I asked  her if the keything was related to harry potter and she said yes (btw I wore a hogwarts Tshirt.) and gave me a 15$ iTunes Giftcard.  Isn't that awesome!? I was like why did you give that to me? And she said Because your special :D so the lessons I learned that day don't drive impacted and always be proud of the Harry Potter fandom and recognize other Potterheads :)

 electric guy, climbing up a power pole

 our tent for track


Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2015

My graduation :)

On May 9th I had my graduation.  And Mockachievement day,which is something where you practice things for the show day.  The problem.  It was both on the same day.  But because I am awesome, I made it to both.  In thr morning my hostmum made my hair and then we went to the Mockachievement day.  I felt zu fancy and dressed up, but couldn't change it.  When we were there we were petting our steers and then there was a guy, who gave us some useful information.  I had to leave half way threw the presentation for Grad.  First I thought my hostdad forgot me at the arena,because they wanted to drive home, get changed and then get me.  But then they luckily decided to bring me to school first, before they go change at home.   So I went into school with my "farm" clothes.  I got changed ih the washroom and then I was good to go for grad.  On this day I really felt like a double agent (or Hannah Montana xD)  Then other grad people came too and they all looked really pretty.  Then we took a group picture and had to smile for about 5 minutes, while there were flashlights everywhere! (how do famous people do that?!?)  Anyway.  About half an hour later my escort arrived.  I asked him like 5 days before that and was glad that he said yes.  His name is Michael and he was the first friend I made in Canada at all so I thought it would be nice, if he'd be my escort.  After taking more pictures, the ceremony started at 2 pm.  Because my lastname starts with W and because I am an exchangestudent I was the last one, who walked in.  But then eventually we did to "The climb " by Miley Cyrus xD Then we sat down and guess who sang the national anthem for everyone?  Me :D.  For that I wanted to mention that at the rehearsal one day earlier I totally screwed that up,because I was singing with instrumental playback and it was horrible.  Good thing was that I could laught about myself and told everyone it would be better tommorow.  And it was.  I decided to sing accapella and it worked out pretty good.  After that a lot of people gave speeches.  Then they gave everyone a certificate and I didn't fell down the stairs. Oh I wanted to mention, that my shoes were borrowed and kind of uncomfortable, but I was to cheap to buy me a pair just for one day.  After receiving the certificate, we got roses and we had to give them to someone we are thankful for.  So obviously I gave it to my hostdad and thanked him for taking me and everything :) When we were done with that, we watched  a slideshow.  I was sadly not on there, but it was still a great thing.  Then we walked all out and the graduation was over.  I took a couple more pictures with my host family and then we went back to the arena, to pick up my hostbrother from the 4H thing.  Because i was really hungry and my family too, we went to A&W xD.  On that day was also a Zumbathon.  So after A&W we split.  The boys/men  went home and the girls /women went to Zumba.  Me smart as I am forgot my gym clothes so I had to dance in socks and my farm clothes, but it was ok.  The Zumbathon was fun, but I sadly didn't win the massage from the draw in the end.   After the Zumbathon we went home and I was glad that I made it threw this really busy but awesome day.

PS: i decided to not go to the grad dance afterwards, because it would have been 150$ just for me and I would have needed a supervisor and signatures feom everyone I wanted to take and I think that wasn't worth it,even if lots of people said I should have went, because it's a once in a lifetime thing. But the thing is. There are lots of Once in a lifetime opportunities. And going on a party (even if it's grad dance) is something I'm not to mad about missing. I still have my real graduation and dance in Germany.

 that's how our gym looked like
                                                      my grad escort Michael :D
                                                              Grad selfie xD
 my friends and me
 other pic of the gym
 the japanese exchangestudent and me

    my certificate :D

Freitag, 8. Mai 2015

It's already May? 63 days left

Hey guys. I hope you are doing all great. Now it's already May and it's again crazy, how fast time goes by.
Like I told you, I switched to Art class and this was just a really really good decision. I'm still working on Dobby (house elf from Harry Potter) and it seems like he takes forever. And even if some things are complicated to do they are a lot of fun. On the last April weekend, we went to a bull riding event. We sadly missed my host brother riding, but it was anyway pretty cool. They had also Horse riding (but they were going crazy like bulls), roping (where there where people on a horse and had to catch a steer with a rope, like cowboys) and horse races. One week later was my friends birthday. She had a birthday party over the weekend. We didn't really do anything productive, but it was still fun. Okay maybe you can count Bowling as productive I guess xD . On Saturday I had to leave early, because we went to a Highway clean up. The $H club I'm in, cleaned up 6km on both sides on the Highway. It took is just 1 1/2 hours, so it was not to bad. We were lucky, because right when we were done, it started raining. On Tuesday this week we had a talent show in our school. I sang The hanging tree (from the Mockingjay movie) and two self written songs. One was about Canadians and the other one a Parody of the song Rude by Magic! (We had to write a song in Math class about Quadratic formulas). If you wanna check out my performance . There you go:

I won the first price by the way.  The talent show was pretty cool. The teachers did a lip sych battle and a science teacher performed Wrecking ball. It was AWESOME and very hilarious. :D  I was also cool that I got so many compliments after the show, even from people I would've expected that. The weirdest thing that happened was, that there were girls in the washroom and they wanted me to sing hanging tree. In the washroom!!! So I did :D
This weekend will be my "graduation" and I'm kind of exited. But I will write about the grad the next time.
Oh I forgot to tell you as well, that I am making wands in IA right now. I made two already and probably about 5 more . That just brings me one step closer to be a Potterhead ^.^    In English class we also did something awesome. We have the poetry unit right now and guess what,. We analyzed song lyrics! That's what I've been waiting for my whole school life. I've done my waiting. Ten years of it. IN SCHOOOL (insider joke ;)
Well I guess that's it. Another thing I just wanted to mention is how weird it is, that everything here feels so normal right now. It feels normal to speak English, and sit on the school bus, and going to school here, and live on a farm, and don't be able to have public travel system, and living in a small town, and going to church every sunday,and having 4 younger siblings and so on. It is just weird how this is all "normal" now. What still remains are tons of people who are asking me, either when I'm going back home or how I like Canada. Sometimes it's really hard to answer those questions nice, because you've been asked those questions a tons of times already. But I'm trying my best and now I know, how famous people must feel, if they get asked the same question over and over and over again. Some people also ask if I look forward of going home. And my answer to that is kind of. I really like it here and I realized that I really like it in Germany too. It's just different. I couldn't really say what's better, because I like both. Things I have here and that I can do here, I can't in Germany and the other way around. So I'm in between. I think ten month is a good span for an exchange. I really like it here, but I don't mind going back to  Germany, where my family, best friend, public travel system , Doener and lots of other things are waiting for me. I just don't know quiet yet, how I will be able to handle school back there, because it's so much harder and my brain is just not used to it. And speaking Sorbian (it's a language nearly nobodyspeaks)Well I guess I will figure it out. Till then I will enjoy my stay here and don't worry about school to much.  Hope you all have a great day :)

did I mention that it snowed on May 6th xD
                                                  That's how one of the wands looks like

A beautiful sunset again. My phone camera can't take the picture half as good as it is in real life ^.^

                                                                              Bull riding
                                                                         Dobby ^.^
                                                                      Black light bowling

                                                               High way clean up

That's how our gym looked like for the talent show

Donnerstag, 23. April 2015

I catched a grizzly bear! (kind of) , awesome schoolwork and lost pictures from GP

Hey guys.  This post will consist a lot of pictures, because my phone was odd the last time, so I couldn't post the pictures I wanted to.  Last Saturday I had my last badminton tournament. I think I did really good,even if I just won one game (my first one at all)  I think i played pretty well in the other two games anyway.  During the tournament I  wanted to sent some of my postcards away, but then the post office was closed -.- So then I got me some ice cream (soft ice cream with chocolate all around it.  It's so good ^.^). Oh and I should mention that I went outside with short pants, so it's not to cold.  After the tournament I went with my hostfamily to something, I forgot what it's called .  They had for example some dead animals there and so the day kind of came, where I catched a (sadly not a grizzly) bear.  :D.   But the year isnt over yet so there is still the chance to see one in real life.

This week I feel way happier and I'm over my "I wanna go home " phase.  Don't ask me  how I did that,but I'm not complaining.  This Monday I also decided to switch to art class, because chemistry was getting bored and as an exchange student it's easy to switch classes.  I love art class, because we do such cool things.  At first we did like a thing where you painted the background colourful, cut out things, glued them on the painting,then sprayed black paint over it and then peeled it of and it looks just  awesome!

this is how it looked in the end :)

 Next we are doing paper mache and I will do Dobby from Harry Potter (the fangirl inside of me has spoken).  I also finally finished my night stand and brought it home safely yesterday.

 Monday night something cool happened too.  I was just going to bed amd then I looked outside the window and saw the Northern lights!  Isn't that awesome?!? So then I went outside and watched them for a bit, before they sadly disappeared.
Today is also my last badminton practice and then the season is finally over.  I'm just happy because I don't need to organize rides and stay overs anymore.  But now there probably will be new things to handle and probably more stay overs and rides too.  I hope you all have a good day :)

on of our pigs had babies again. Soooooo cute ^.^

     And now the lost pictures from Grande Prairie :)

We brought two of our steers to a butcher shop and I found the name funny, because in Germany (and in Canada probably too) we have a clothing store called H& M too ;D

this was how it looked at the auction sale. It was huge!

This is really cool isn't it? You could go up there and then go down the slide. :D
you can't really see it, but at the auction were hundreds of trucks (big and small) and they all got sold!

this was inside of one of the campers. In my opinion it looked pretty neat!