Like I told you, I switched to Art class and this was just a really really good decision. I'm still working on Dobby (house elf from Harry Potter) and it seems like he takes forever. And even if some things are complicated to do they are a lot of fun. On the last April weekend, we went to a bull riding event. We sadly missed my host brother riding, but it was anyway pretty cool. They had also Horse riding (but they were going crazy like bulls), roping (where there where people on a horse and had to catch a steer with a rope, like cowboys) and horse races. One week later was my friends birthday. She had a birthday party over the weekend. We didn't really do anything productive, but it was still fun. Okay maybe you can count Bowling as productive I guess xD . On Saturday I had to leave early, because we went to a Highway clean up. The $H club I'm in, cleaned up 6km on both sides on the Highway. It took is just 1 1/2 hours, so it was not to bad. We were lucky, because right when we were done, it started raining. On Tuesday this week we had a talent show in our school. I sang The hanging tree (from the Mockingjay movie) and two self written songs. One was about Canadians and the other one a Parody of the song Rude by Magic! (We had to write a song in Math class about Quadratic formulas). If you wanna check out my performance . There you go:
I won the first price by the way. The talent show was pretty cool. The teachers did a lip sych battle and a science teacher performed Wrecking ball. It was AWESOME and very hilarious. :D I was also cool that I got so many compliments after the show, even from people I would've expected that. The weirdest thing that happened was, that there were girls in the washroom and they wanted me to sing hanging tree. In the washroom!!! So I did :D
This weekend will be my "graduation" and I'm kind of exited. But I will write about the grad the next time.
Oh I forgot to tell you as well, that I am making wands in IA right now. I made two already and probably about 5 more . That just brings me one step closer to be a Potterhead ^.^ In English class we also did something awesome. We have the poetry unit right now and guess what,. We analyzed song lyrics! That's what I've been waiting for my whole school life. I've done my waiting. Ten years of it. IN SCHOOOL (insider joke ;)
Well I guess that's it. Another thing I just wanted to mention is how weird it is, that everything here feels so normal right now. It feels normal to speak English, and sit on the school bus, and going to school here, and live on a farm, and don't be able to have public travel system, and living in a small town, and going to church every sunday,and having 4 younger siblings and so on. It is just weird how this is all "normal" now. What still remains are tons of people who are asking me, either when I'm going back home or how I like Canada. Sometimes it's really hard to answer those questions nice, because you've been asked those questions a tons of times already. But I'm trying my best and now I know, how famous people must feel, if they get asked the same question over and over and over again. Some people also ask if I look forward of going home. And my answer to that is kind of. I really like it here and I realized that I really like it in Germany too. It's just different. I couldn't really say what's better, because I like both. Things I have here and that I can do here, I can't in Germany and the other way around. So I'm in between. I think ten month is a good span for an exchange. I really like it here, but I don't mind going back to Germany, where my family, best friend, public travel system , Doener and lots of other things are waiting for me. I just don't know quiet yet, how I will be able to handle school back there, because it's so much harder and my brain is just not used to it. And speaking Sorbian (it's a language nearly nobodyspeaks)Well I guess I will figure it out. Till then I will enjoy my stay here and don't worry about school to much. Hope you all have a great day :)
That's how one of the wands looks like
A beautiful sunset again. My phone camera can't take the picture half as good as it is in real life ^.^
Bull riding
Dobby ^.^
Black light bowling
High way clean up
That's how our gym looked like for the talent show
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