Hey guys. This is a blog about a German girl, who spends one year abroad in Canada. I hope you like to read it. I usully post weekly, but sometimes I´m just like everybody else. Lazy . But anyway. Enjoy :D
Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2015
My graduation :)
On May 9th I had my graduation. And Mockachievement day,which is something where you practice things for the show day. The problem. It was both on the same day. But because I am awesome, I made it to both. In thr morning my hostmum made my hair and then we went to the Mockachievement day. I felt zu fancy and dressed up, but couldn't change it. When we were there we were petting our steers and then there was a guy, who gave us some useful information. I had to leave half way threw the presentation for Grad. First I thought my hostdad forgot me at the arena,because they wanted to drive home, get changed and then get me. But then they luckily decided to bring me to school first, before they go change at home. So I went into school with my "farm" clothes. I got changed ih the washroom and then I was good to go for grad. On this day I really felt like a double agent (or Hannah Montana xD) Then other grad people came too and they all looked really pretty. Then we took a group picture and had to smile for about 5 minutes, while there were flashlights everywhere! (how do famous people do that?!?) Anyway. About half an hour later my escort arrived. I asked him like 5 days before that and was glad that he said yes. His name is Michael and he was the first friend I made in Canada at all so I thought it would be nice, if he'd be my escort. After taking more pictures, the ceremony started at 2 pm. Because my lastname starts with W and because I am an exchangestudent I was the last one, who walked in. But then eventually we did to "The climb " by Miley Cyrus xD Then we sat down and guess who sang the national anthem for everyone? Me :D. For that I wanted to mention that at the rehearsal one day earlier I totally screwed that up,because I was singing with instrumental playback and it was horrible. Good thing was that I could laught about myself and told everyone it would be better tommorow. And it was. I decided to sing accapella and it worked out pretty good. After that a lot of people gave speeches. Then they gave everyone a certificate and I didn't fell down the stairs. Oh I wanted to mention, that my shoes were borrowed and kind of uncomfortable, but I was to cheap to buy me a pair just for one day. After receiving the certificate, we got roses and we had to give them to someone we are thankful for. So obviously I gave it to my hostdad and thanked him for taking me and everything :) When we were done with that, we watched a slideshow. I was sadly not on there, but it was still a great thing. Then we walked all out and the graduation was over. I took a couple more pictures with my host family and then we went back to the arena, to pick up my hostbrother from the 4H thing. Because i was really hungry and my family too, we went to A&W xD. On that day was also a Zumbathon. So after A&W we split. The boys/men went home and the girls /women went to Zumba. Me smart as I am forgot my gym clothes so I had to dance in socks and my farm clothes, but it was ok. The Zumbathon was fun, but I sadly didn't win the massage from the draw in the end. After the Zumbathon we went home and I was glad that I made it threw this really busy but awesome day.
PS: i decided to not go to the grad dance afterwards, because it would have been 150$ just for me and I would have needed a supervisor and signatures feom everyone I wanted to take and I think that wasn't worth it,even if lots of people said I should have went, because it's a once in a lifetime thing. But the thing is. There are lots of Once in a lifetime opportunities. And going on a party (even if it's grad dance) is something I'm not to mad about missing. I still have my real graduation and dance in Germany.
that's how our gym looked like
my grad escort Michael :D
Grad selfie xD
my friends and me
other pic of the gym
the japanese exchangestudent and me
my certificate :D
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