Dienstag, 25. November 2014

Grande Prairie :D

On Thursday I've went to an arttrip to Grande Prairie.  We went to the coolege there and When we arived we could choose if we wanna go into the art or music workshop.  Obviously I decided to go to the music group.  We had two different workshops there.  On was a choir and the other one a recording one.  In the choir one we sang two diffent songs and it sounded pretty awesome.  In the recording workshop they showed us, how they do all the recording stuff.  They recorded singing and piano and showed us later, some effects.  That both was very interesting.  Then we had lunch and guess what?  We got Pizza AND cookies AND pop for free :D In the afternoon was a small presentation where some students played some music and people talked about the college.  After this we had one and a half more hour for the mall.  I didn't really bought something but in the end we were eating chocolate ice cream ^.^ On our two hour busride back home we listend to cool music and yeah.  That was a really amazing day.  And guess where I'm tommorow again?...

Because I didn't had school on Friday and  my hostmum is pregnant and had a doctors appointment in Grande Prairie, I've went to Grande Prairie again.  In the morning the road was really icy,but we made it safe to GP.  My host dad droped me of at the mall so I could go shopping.  You know that feeling If you just wanna buy everything but don't want to spend to much money?  That's how I felt.  There was a store with a bunch of TFIOS merchandise and after beeing 4 times in the Shop,I decided it's better to buy nothing.  Then I went to another shop and bought two pants (because the pants I had are ripped) .  This one pair is a little bit tight, because I was to lazy to try it, so now I have a reason not to gain weight ;).  Then I've also been to a bookstore and it had so many good books and other things but yeah in the end I just bought something small.  I've also been to Target and they had really good christmas stuff and I really had to tell my self I don't need it.  For lunch we ate chinese.  Then I had a little bit more time in the mall and then we went to Value Village (a second hand store)  and I got snowboard boots for just 13$ awesome eh?.  After that we bought some donuts at Tim Hortons and they even had this one donut (Spritzkuchen)  which we also have in Germany.  When we drove back I read Harry Potter, because I decided to read the series in english too :)

 The sound studio
 Really really good chocolate cookie ice cream ^.^
 Beautiful sunrise
 Let's go to the mall :D

The fault in our stars merchandise *.*

Mittwoch, 19. November 2014

Spraypark, Mockingjay, Skating, (and many pictures)

My weekend was really good :) On Saturday I enjoyed the Snow outside and in the evening we went to a catholic church.  It's so different to a Baptist church!  It's more ceremonial and serious and I guess I prefer the Baptist church :). After that we went eating pizza and watched a Fury in the movie theatre. It's a second world war movie and so there were some German phrases and that was really cool, because I understood it.  On Sunday I finally finnished my Spraypark and in the evening we went to the truthproject again.   Did I mentioned, that I bought my mockingjay movie ticket!!!  I cant wait till Saturday :D Monday was normal and Tuesday I've been Skating the first time. It was fun and I guess in the end of the winter I will be a pro at Skating ;) Well I guess that's what happend.  It's crazy how fast all the things I Experience become kind of normal.  (Snow, cold weather aka -15 is not cold at all,  school...)
 Beautiful sunset again :)

 My Spraypark

This was in the bathroom of the movie theatre 
This are the different seasonings.  It's so cool. But my favorite is still sweet popcorn :)

Freitag, 14. November 2014

Renegades Hoodie, Christmasplay, Beef jerkey, dark bread and a rainbowwig

Well today in band I was the person who could play the longest tone so I got a crazy wig xD.  Then in lunchbreak I walked threw the whole town to finally get my Renegades Hoodie who also has my name on it :D.  In Gym we played Pickleball, which is kind of like tennis just smaller. (but I don't really like this game) Then we had basketballpractice and it was pretty good. In youthgroup we spoke threw the christmasstory play and guess what?  I will play Zachariah (or whats his name is)  and I have not many things to say but this will be funny, because its a funny play and I always wanted to do something like this.  After church we went on a birthdayparty but it was really lame.  There were not many people dancing (what do you expect from a 50th birthday party) and they cut the cake at midnight.  And at this time we already left.(so no cake for me :/)  I also feel like I ate chips and sweets the whole day but that's okay because it's weekend :) I'm sorry if this post is a little bit confusing but what I also have to mention. We bought dark bread!  That's so cool.  I mean it's not like the original german bread but still :D
There was something important I wanted to write but I forgot...
Even if it probably says nothing to many people.  I think about buying me a Pizza John shirt (that's a shirt from my favorite author and below this there is standing pizza). And I really have to watch my money because Christmas is coming and we will go to Grande Prairie and Edmonton.  And I will join Baketball which will be 200$ BUT just if I fundraise the other 300$.  I really think it's a good idea to save money but try to sell 15 times beef yerkey and 15 poinsettias or wreats.  And I just ask everyone "Are you interested in beef yerkey " .  Well I have half of the money jet and see how much I can fundraise (hopefully much, because how I said it's a great way to save money)
Songs of the day:
  The Rude Band -Fishing in the dark
KONGOS - Come with me now
Deaf Havana - Everybody is dancing and I want to die
Frozen -Let it go (but I still didnt watched this movie...
And last Note for today.  One more week till Mockingjay comes out!!! I can't wait :D

Nothing really interesting happend

Hey guys.  Sorry that I didn't wrote the last two days but I really was to busy.  Before my exchangeyear started O couldn't understand that like. "They just have to cut the video " for example.  But now I realize the problem.  Because when my hostsibblings ask me to do something outside thatn I'd rather prefer this (understandable eh?).    But let's talk about what happend in school.  (or better after that)  On Wednesday after school I had guitar but we just jamed a little bit around.  Then we had our first basketball practice.  It was pretty good und now I have a good feeling and that we will be a good team, even if we are not the Seniorteam.  Thursday was a busy day but I got a lot of things done.  I started typing in my Spraypark parabolas in the computer, cutted the Halloweenvideo (and also uploaded it),  cleaned my room (no matter what I do it will be a mess in two days again anyway) and read my book (why I mention it?  Because it's hard to find  time to read and because someone else wants to read the book, I have to finnish this over the weekend and there are still 300 pages left...) by the way I'm reading Allegiant and it's a really good book :)
Also 4! Mails arrived for me. One with my new phonecase, 2 with advent calendars for my hostsibblings,and one with sweets and pants :)

Mittwoch, 12. November 2014

Relaxing on a long weekend :)

How I said today (okas actually yesterday but anyway) will come my next post, because it was not really exiting the last days. On Saturday I worked 3 hours om my Spraypark and watched Doctor Who.  On Sunday we went like every Sunday do church.  But this Sunday was the last Sunday, where the old pastor spoke, because they will move :/ Then in the afternoon we (my hostdad, neighbor and me)  went again to the truthproject thing.  It was really interesting and they spoke about evolution and mentioned Darwin (what I had last year in school)  and if there is evolution at all or just a creator.
Did I mentioned that I ate a delicious wrap for lunch? And on Sunday was "25 years Mauerfall ".  And because of this Germany was in the news and that let me freaked out a little bit (for the english people Mauerfall is where the wall who seperated East and West Germany fall) Lets move on to Monday.  Because of Day of Lineu (or whatever) we didn't had school.  Because it snowed and I wanted to have fresh air I walked a little bit outside and tried to make a picture from a Mockingjay in the snow.  After that I watched the Mockingjay premiere in London. (and I am so happy that they don't have one in Germany, because I couldn't go there. And I'm jealous to everyone who can see the movie before me!)  After that I ate lunch and skypen with my mum :) And the rest of the day I guess I watched Youtube videos ;)
Yesterday was Rememberance Day but we  didn't  do anything special. I don't even know, what I did the whole day at all o.O (I justknow, that I didn't finnished my To Do list)  anyway.  It was a great relaxing long weekend :)

I took some pictures from the snow and. I tried to draw a Mockingjay ;)

Samstag, 8. November 2014

Rememberance Day

Today we had a Rememberance Ceremony in school.  The Rememberance Day is on the 11Day of the 11th month (when Karneval seson starts in Germany)  and because we will  have no school on this day, we had the ceremony yesterday.  Rememberance Day is to remember all the people who died  in the war. ( and I really ask my self why we don't have a day like this in Germany) The ceremony started with someone who carries a flag to a flag holder (usully veterans). After that the the national hymn was played and because we have a concert band, we played Oh Canada live. After  that we watched a music video  "Terry Kelly - A pittance of time"  clikc here to listen to the song . I really like this song so maybe you are interested to listen to this too.  Then we had two minutes of silence and it was again impressive that everyone was so quiet!  Then we watched another video and then people brought flower wreathes to the front.  I guess thats it.    I think it´s good that Canada has a day to remember these. What is also important to mention I guess is, that everyone wears poppies here ( German word Mohnblume)  This are red flowers which you can pin on your shirt.  You usully donate to get one and it shows that you think about the fallen people in war
                                                                  "Lest we forget "

the flower wreath
me wearing a poppie  (and I´m sure I will wear this next year in Germany too)

my music sheet  for Oh Canada
  me with a veteran        and to all my old classmates   to which person does this guy reminds you......
His name is Marc  and I think he kind of looks like him eh?

other songs we heard: Highway of heroes

What was just my headcanon of the day: if someone should ask me what instrument I play I can say I play a metal instrument... And why is this so cool?  Because I play the Euphoneum which is made of metal.  But for people who don't know that they think I play like a e guitar (nevermind that I play it anyway but do you get my point?). Yeah so when I had this mind blow today I kind of freaked out and my teacher had to tell me to be quiet.
After school I had to stay in town for youthgroup at 7 and guess what I found:
look what I found in the library... Maybe a little bit late xD

Youthgroup was fun again and today there was the last (and for me second time) when the pastor came and after he spoke we played games, prayed (well I didn't pray but in the youthgroup we think every week about people who need help or who we should think about  so this time we prayed for example for the veterans )  and that´s how Youthgroup usully works :) (just that the pastor don´t comes every time , and instead we usully make Biblestudies)       I hope everyone's having a great weekend  and I will probably write the next time on Tuesday because we have a long weekend (my hostbrothers and sister are not home) and I won't do many things exept for reading, watching Doctor Who, Working on the model for my spraypark, enjoying the snow  and edditing videos.
  I found this standing infront of our school.  So cool and small :D

Donnerstag, 6. November 2014

Hockey rink , Christmas Decoration and Pizza

Tuesday my hostbrother had his first hockey practice so I've been the first time at a canadian ice rink.  There are two and on the one side there were little kids playing that was so cute ^.^ After that, we 've been at my hostmums friends house for supper and they already decorated for christmas!   And they said that they usully decorate Christmas in September in the Phillipines...  That's crazy eh?    And then I played the first time Domino and it is actually pretty fun.

Wednesday in Pop culture we had something to do on the computer and you could either share the document online with your teacher or print it... Guess who was the only person who shared it online ... But at least one person thinks about the enviroment :)
After school I went to guitar lessons and it was so cool because in the end of class we were singung together some songs.  That was cool.  I also found out that this one girl has the same birthday like me.   Here how it happend :
She: I wanna invite you to my birthdayparty
Me: Cool.  When is your birthday?
She: 2nd of January but I will celebrate at the 5th
Me: Oh my gosh!  My birthday is on this day too!!!
And then we just freaked out :D

We also had basketballtryouts on Wednesday again. It was really fun again and my legs arent even sore today :)

So I went today to school and looked on the list, in which team I am...   And guess what? My teacher put me in the  Junior team (aka 2. Team)  well that makes me really upset, because I really  thought I would be good enought for the senior team.  But the thing that sucks most, is that nearly all the girls who are nice and who I like are in the Seniorteam -.- the good thing is that there will be tournaments where the Senior and Juniorteam are going to play "together "( same town, but different teams we are playing against,  do you get what I mean?)  and I will probably play more often, because I guess I'm one of the best players in the Juniorteam.

Today we also played oh Canada in the Elementary School, because of Rememberance day on Tuesday (more about this tommorow).  And for me it was really impressive, how silent little kids can be.

Then I ate pizza (yes I know it's not that interesting but its PIZZA!!! ;)   I guess that are  the most interesting things from the last 3 days.    :)

 this are the chairs they have in Elementary school... So small ^.^

Dienstag, 4. November 2014

Learners licence and basketball Tryouts

Today I got my driverslicencelearnbook.  I know that in Canada it takes two years to get the full licence, but when I have the learners, I can learn to drive a car (with an adult)  and this is  a good thing eh?  Then I had basketball tryouts but before I went there I bought Spekulaziuskekse here.  That's so awesome! I really love this cookies and that I can buy them here makes me very happy.  :) Then (how I said)  I had Basketball Tryouts.  It was really fun (exept for the beginning and the end part, because we had to to Sprints ans Frog Jumps)  but yeah it was really good.  We made some drills I already knew from Germany so I didn't felt so bad.  I really don't know how good I was in compare to the others, because they were all pretty good!  Well will see on Wednesday /Thursday.  I also startet cutting my video for Youtube and on the weekend I will finnish the other two videos.  The only reason I don't have time during the week is, because the kids usully want to do something with me.  And I don't wanna be like "I'm a girl who sits the whole time on her computer " so I prefer going outside and beeing social ;)  (and this also keeps me away from my phone and facebook.  So it's not a bad thing)
PS: my hostdad said, that we will maybe go in the mountains this winter.  Do you know how AWSOME this would be?!?

Montag, 3. November 2014

Farewell Putlock

I guess I didn't mentioned it, but the pastor from the church we are going to move to Edmonton so we had like a Farewellputlock today.  Lots of people from the worthship team sang and a friend of the pastor had a great speach about that "Life is a journey ALWAYS... into the unknown.  " and I think he's right with this.  So after the worthship we had putlock.  You maybe ask what this is?  I tell you it's one of the best things in church!  Why?  Usully on the last Sunday of every month ( this was a exeption)  there is a food theme and then people cook food and then you can (surprise surprise)  eat it.  And everything tastes just so amazing that you feel as full as on christmas but it totally worth it!  This time the theme was Mexico so we had Chili con carne,  Taccocrisps and cake (even if this is not really mexican)  and it was just soo delicous.  After that there was a little programm where I and two friends presented three songs ( 1. A changed Version of we will rock you -we will miss you - then his favorite song Do Lord, and then a changed song from Avril Lavinge -Slipped away -. It worked pretty good but the other people were as good as well too.  Then there was a open microphone so who ever wanted to say something to the pastor could.  And well even it I didn't know him for a long time I spoke.  I spoke about how I thought chuch would be boring and has just boring people but that this church and he showed me that that's nit church.  You can learn lots from his speeches and he has also a great humor.  So I can say I will miss him as a pastor.   In the evening I went with my hostdad and my neighbor to a church thing called "the truth project" and first I was not sure if I should go but because I'm abn exchangestudent and have to say yes to everything exept for drugs I went there and it was a good decicion. In this project we watched a video and the question was "what is truth ". This video talked about how the cosmos started. Was is there forever, was there a beginning or a creator.  It was really interesting and after that video we had a discussion about that.  After this thing we ate a teenburger at A&W and I can just say that was a perfect weekend, where I learned and experienced a lot.


The November just started great!  Why?  Because of this.  On the first of November it was finally time for Zombiethron.  After a breakfast at 12 and some practice for a farewell putlock on Sunday (I will talk about this later)  I went to the cornmaze.  Because Zombiethron means that all the footballplayers dressed up as zombies and had to hide in the cornmaze ans than people had to find Boxes in the maze and they had waterguns to kill the zombies and we had to try to pull their flags they had around their waist.  In the beginning we all splitted up, because we were not allowed to team up.  After some tries we realized that it's really hard to get a flag if the people are maybe 4 or more and have waterguns!  So we teamed up and it worked way better.  We ran nearly the whole time (and if you didn't run you lost the group, and nobody wanted this so you HAD to run!) and tried to find people and "attack them " Obviously we got wet  (they sprayed water in my eyes and ear. Not funny)   and when it was later in the evening my hoodie was frozen!  (and I was really happy to had a waterproof jacket!)  Somehow I feel like a mix out of the Mazerunner (because we were in a maze and we run, very obvious I know)  and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (just that I was a bad "creatur ". And even if you have to pay attentuin where you step (cause we could also run threw the maze, and the path was slippery and lots of guys fell down,what looked really funny :D)  we had a lot of fun.  When it got dark we could hide in the maze, scare them,  and sometimes we could just walk behind them, steal their flags and they wont even notice ;) So I can just say again that this was awesome and it's really sad, that I probably can't do this again :/. But this showed me that we really have a wonderful football team.  After the Zombiethron we had a bonfire but because my hostfamily wanted to leave I sadly couldn't be there but even if I wasn't there I was at the Zombiethron and this was like on of the best things from this years at this moment! When we got home I was just happy to get a warm bath, because it was cold (I mean what do you expect from November and Waterguns?)  and yeah that was the Zombiethon  something I will never forget :)


I'm again really sorry that I didn't wrote the whole weekend but either I was busy, tried not to look phone addicted or just to lazy.
But anyway let's talk about my weekend.  Friday was Halloween and lots of people dressed up in school (including me,  that's why I had to get up at 6) and it was really cool.  We got free breakfast on this day and then there was a contest for the best costume. But  because I'm in Tonys Challenge,  I couldn't take part because I had to judge.  But we will get prices this week and anyway I got a EWPratt Toque and Bag what is really cool :D
 (schoolmerchandise geht immer ;)

Lots of people told me that my make up looks "so real " which made me happy because well I looked really scary ;)

Then we had normal subjects and in Mathclass we got cupcakes and in Bandclass smarties (which are here much bigger than in Germany, don't know why).  I told you about the stuff we baked on Thursday?  Well because be baked it, we got it for free :D  and so I had snacks when we watched a movie in the last period (the movie was called hokus pocus but I didn't really like the movie)   In the end you can say that Halloween in school is way better then in Germany because 1. You dress up (and that was kind of a reason why I wanted to go to a canadian school, because they dress up during the year sometimes 2. Free Food.

This is a picture of me and two friends dressed up as Zombie, Jeff and Jane the killer

Obviously Halloween was not done after school.  I went to a friends house, with another friend (so we were 3 people)  and first we refreshed our make up and then we went first with my friends little sister Trick or treating around the neighborhood.  It's so cool how some people decorate their houses and give good! Candy and not this cheap stuff you usully get in Germany.  After we brought her little sister back home we head up to town for more candy.   This was really how I imagined Trick or treating.  We saw more decorated houses, good candy and people who tried to scare us (example: we waited at a door.  The women didn't came so we looked at here decoration.  And then she screamed and came from the back!  This women scared us I guess the most o.O.  After  we decided we had enought candy we went back to my friends house and tried to put our make up of.  It was not that easy because we had latex on our skin but in the end well all had a normal face again ;). After that we saw what candy we got and what we want or don't. Then(after deciding for more than half an hour)  we watched a movie and than late in the night we went to bed :)
That was my helloween and it was absolutely a great one!
(and because I don't want this post to long I will make an extra one for Saturday and sunday)
So even if Halloween is over.  HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE :-P
my candy

there will be soon a video about Halloween to on my youtubechannel :)